Did you know that your body is designed to be alkaline and it functions the best in this state?
Unfortunately, most people follow a disease making Western Diet that is high in acidic foods and low in alkaline.And this can lead to heart disease, a stroke, cancer, skin disorders, auto-immune conditions, allergies and the list goes on.
The solution to this problem is adding alkaline foods to your daily diet, which will help balance the pH level of the fluids in your body.
And in today’s article, we will tell you the best alkaline foods that you should be eating everyday. From jalapenos, watermelon, tofu, apricot to garlic and more.
1. Lemon.
Lemons are extremely high in alkaline minerals, such as potassium, and magnesium that have alkalizing effects on your body.
The citric acid in them is highly acidic in a natural state, but once eaten, the citric acid gets metabolized and has a wonderful alkaline effect on your body.
Lemons are a good source of calcium, iron and vitamins A, C and B-complex, as well as pectin fibre, and carbohydrates.
They also contain potent antibacterial, antiviral and immune-boosting powers.
Apart from having a cleansing and detoxifying effect on the body, lemons help improve digestion, aid weight loss, support skin health, boost immunity and prevent infections.
What’s your favourite way to include lemons in your diet? Do you prefer lemonade, lemon soda or lemon squeezed directly on your food and salad?
2. Cucumber.
Cucumbers are another healthy addition to an alkaline diet. They can quickly neutralize acids and aid digestion.
The nutritional profile of cucumbers is very impressive as well. They are an excellent source of vitamins K, C and different B vitamins.
You also get a good amount of copper, amino acids, carbohydrates, soluble and insoluble fibre, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, biotin and silica.
The best part, cucumbers are low in calories. They also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Including cucumbers in your diet can help reduce your risk of heart disease, improve digestion, lower blood sugar levels and fight different types of cancer.
Being high in water content, they also keep your body hydrated.
3. Beet Greens.
Beet Greens are one of the world’s most alkaline foods.
Although beet greens aren’t the most popular green in our diets, their high alkalinity score makes them one of the best additions to smoothies or stir-fries.
In addition to being high alkaline, beet greens also have a bitter quality that may help stimulate bile production to help you better digest fats.
Beet greens can replace any green in salads, soups or smoothies.
4. Bananas.
Bananas, aka Potassium Sticks, are another highly alkaline food that you won’t want to leave out of your diet.
Bananas are also a great source of fiber, which help promote digestive regularity and sweep toxins out of your digestive tract.
While most people tend to avoid bananas to prevent weight gain due to their high sugar content, eating a banana is far better for you than eating a granola bar or some other processed food that’s packed full of sugar and acidifying ingredients.
5. Tofu.
Tofu is an alkaline food derived from soybeans, so much of their beneficial effects can be similarly obtained from eating soy based products.
Be sure to look out for only organic soy products, since there might be modified soy products in the market which are cheaper but not as healthy.
Tofu is an almost perfect byproduct of soybean curds; it is low calorie, but a verified source of protein and iron.
Tofu is also rich in isoflavones, which can be protective against age related heart and brain disease.
6. Watermelon.
Watermelons usually gain popularity as a part of our daily diet during the summer.
But there is no reason why you should not make it a part of your daily diet throughout the year.
Not only is it packed with water and nutrients, it also possesses an which can be extremely beneficial in improving your overall health.
It is well-known that watermelon contains certain essential vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in antioxidants which make it a powerful Anti-cancer fruit.
The high fiber content that is present in watermelon is good at helping you maintain healthy bowels and a healthy heart.
7. Kale.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the vegetable everyone loves to hate, is one of the most alkaline foods on our list.
This is because kale is a top notch source of energy.
Rich in vitamins A, E and C, this green leafy vegetable is also highly alkaline and is a great addition to your diet whether it is served raw or cooked.
Kale is also rich in flavonoids, which are a group of nutrients specific to plants that are thought to be the reason vegetables are so nutritious.
Flavonoids have anti-inflammatory and possibly anti-cancer properties.
8. Blueberries.
An antioxidant-rich berry, blueberries are a welcome alkaline food add on for any smoothie or salad.
Daily blueberry consumption has been linked to more favorable heart health in the long term, such that individuals that ate them every day reduced their risk for heart diseases by up to 15 percent.
Further, blueberries are prized for their antioxidant properties, meaning that they reduce the oxidative stress on your bodies that can lead to poor aging.
These qualities of blueberries are also important for improving brain health, as well.
In fact, blueberry supplementation has been linked to better neurocognitive outcomes in older adults in a study.
9. Apricot.
This is where we want to make a clear point that the type of processing matters when determining alkalinity.
Eating a food raw, dried, cooked, or boiled has the potential to change much of the chemical makeup that makes the food so beneficial in the first place.
This is especially true for apricots. Apricots are high in alkalinity when served raw, but dried their alkaline content skyrockets.
The theory is that dehydrating not only concentrates flavor, but also the nutrients that make apricots healthy.
However, proceed with caution if you think dried fruits are a better choice than raw.
Drying may improve the alkaline profile, but you may end up eating too many apricots this way.This translates into more calories and sugar, so be conscious of how much you eat.
10. Green beans.
Another green diamond to add to your routine are green beans.
Green beans are popular throughout much of the world, and for good reason — they taste great and can be incorporated easily in most recipes due to their mild flavor.
Interesting among the alkaline foods for your body, green beans have a very high silicon content. Studies have shown that your connective tissue and bones need silicon.
Green beans, being full of silicon, may prove beneficial for your bones.
11. Avocados.
Avocados help flush out acidic waste and promote a more alkaline environment in your body. This creamy, green fruit is packed full of nutrients.
Avocados contain dietary fibre, folate, potassium, selenium, and a good amount of healthy fats, along with vitamins K, C, B5 and A.
They also contain powerful antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and more.
Adding avocados to your diet will help aid weight loss, fight inflammation, improve your heart health and boost heart health.
12. Garlic.
A true miracle food, garlic is another alkaline food that encourages overall good health.
The main compound in garlic is allicin, which has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant properties.
Also, garlic has nutrients including vitamins B1, B6 and C, as well as manganese, calcium, copper, selenium and many others.
Garlic aids detoxification by increasing production of glutathione that helps filter toxins from your digestive system.
This alkaline forming food offers many other health benefits, too. It promotes heart health, boosts immune health, lowers blood pressure and supports liver functioning.
13. Almonds.
Most nuts are healthy but almonds are among the healthiest thanks to their impressive calcium and iron content.
Almonds also provide an incredible amount of protein so you can be full after eating just one handful, making them a great weight loss food as well as an excellent alkaliser.
You can also switch out your regular milk for almond milk to get an even bigger nutritional boost. Almond benefits don’t stop at just making your diet more alkaline.
14. Cayenne Peppers.
Another surprising high-alkaline food is cayenne pepper.
Cayenne pepper is one of the most alkalizing foods, filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammation benefits. This combination makes them handy for fighting off toxins.
Cayenne aids in digestion and metabolic function and has mood-boosting properties thanks to its ability to increase endorphins in your body.
15. Sea Vegetables.
Sea vegetables are a bounty of alkalizing foods full of micronutrients known for remarkable health benefits.
Their multiple varieties carry different nutritional profiles, but each type contains high levels of the trace element iodine.
Sea vegetables also yield a generous harvest of essential amino acids and antioxidants such as phenols and tannins.
Despite their salty flavor, kelp, dulse, kombu, and other edible sea plants are rather low in sodium and calories.
16. Jalapeno.
Not only are Jalapenos alkaline-forming, but most peppers, mild to spicy help your body maintain a healthy pH level.
If you enjoy a punch, jalapenos are a fantastic addition to an alkaline diet as they can help support your endocrine system and prevent free radicals in the body.
Which among the foods that we mentioned today are already a part of your daily diet?
Which one would you make a part of your regular diet after reading this article?